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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Healing and Deliverance : Part III

The Deliverance from Death, Hell and Satan.

While we have already alluded to the primary importance of the healing of Salvation, the act of Messiah, that very black afternoon two thousand years ago on Golgotha, has fallen into such repetitiveness and sameness, that we often fail to see the depth and wonder of what was done there.

The first thing which needs to be seen, is the nature of the Choice that Jesus, Yshua, had to make: It bore several characteristics:

1.) Though he expounded it several times to His disciples, it was a choice no one understood, so it was a critical choice, made terribly alone to bring about the Will of God for the rest of human history

2.) It was a painful choice: the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, was human and divine agony, like none before or after. He willingly chose to obey and lay down His life, but counted the severe cost. I do not think it was only the mere surrender of will appointed and anointed since the beginning of time, but I believe He saw and had knowledge in His Spirit, of what it meant, though unseen, to take on the one war
no one else could fight, for His nature alone in history was different from other men. The painful surrender came in the light of what it meant to endure, taking on all the darkness, pain, suffering, sin and separation from God, since the beginning of man, in order to bring back the healing of the human race, starting with Israel, in a way only a rabbi could, who was completely human and completely divine.

3.) It was a choice which could not be turned away from in a person who while agonized from His human nature at the pain and loss it would require, was also beset by divine Love, so intense, that there was no other choice, for though Israel had turned for the umpteenth time to their own way, away from God, He could not withstand losing the ones He loved. He counted the cost.

The 'all in all' of His choice, was to heal man back to God. The disease of the Fall of Man had reached a point so severe, that if a healing did not come, the cancer of sin and separation had become so metasticized, that a complete cutting off [karet] would be necessary: it was then or never.

How Could a Crucifixion Bring Healing?

Promised and shadowed since the beginning, the idea of a healing sacrificial death was made clear from Genesis on. [e.g. Ps 22, Isaiah 6, 53 and others] Already mentioned is the sometimes baffling passage in Isaiah, "it pleased the LORD to bruise Him"---the idea that a severe suffering and wound, could please God seems anathema to a loving God, but the desire was towards an infinite healing. But the wounding of Golgotha, and the 'stripes' [see Section 1] in which our healing was found, represented first and foremost our healing to God from the 'crack in Creation' that occurred at the Fall, and secondarily the healing of every kind we would need for this life or the next. True healing was not possible outside of the events that day: healing had been seen occasionally in the Prophets in the Old Testament, such as Elijah and the widow's son

1Ki 17:23 And Elijah took the child, and brought him down out of the chamber into the house, and delivered him unto his mother: and Elijah said, See, thy son liveth.

Like other gifts of the Holy Spirit, in the days before the Cross, it was not that God did not operate in the same way in His communication with man, but it was not available to all at all times, but given in part for the purposes of God attendant at the time. The fullness came at Pentecost, but was made possible by the death of the Cross. The deliverance of healing given on Golgotha, through the Stripes and through the accomplishing death and blood sacrifice, brought first, the healing and deliverance we call 'Salvation'. It was the healing through deliverance from

1. Death
2. Darkness
3. Hell and Satan

Healing from Death
2. 84.